Conventional Care
 with Jessica Silver, APRN, FNP-CÂ
Hi, I'm Jessica!
I'm a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner & Functional Medicine Health Consultant. Drawing from my profound personal journey through the challenges of conventional healthcare, I offer not just expertise but empathy and understanding. It's time to be heard, to be respected, and to find solutions that work for you
For me, your healing is personal! After enduring years of health challenges and feeling disconnected from my own body, I took a stand for change. My journey to overcome these struggles has evolved into a powerful approach that has empowered countless individuals through Functional Vitality Health to embrace their true selves and confidently navigate their health and lives like never before.
Read my StoryFrustrated with One-Size-Fits-All Health Solutions?
Ignored by healthcare professionals when expressing your health concerns?
Overwhelmed by the never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety?
Exhausted, no matter how much rest you get?
Plagued by digestive issues that disrupt your day-to-day life?
Struggling with hormonal imbalances that throw you off balance?
Frustrated with diets that lead to temporary changes but not lasting health?